Now That I'm Forty...

Born in New York and now going to die in New York. Someday.

About Me:
Raised:Here and Here
Education: Here, Here, Here, and Here
Location: Here now!
Profession: This

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Subversive Radio
You Will Love Skull Too
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Grim Jester
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Goin' to CA
The Antihero
"Local" Boy Makes Good
New Girl In Town
The Female Me (Or IS That An Insult?)
Simply Saidy, (Not For The Faint Of Heart)
Mental Office Girl
California Hip
Dec 26, 2003 Dec 27, 2003 Dec 28, 2003 Dec 29, 2003 Dec 30, 2003 Dec 31, 2003 Jan 1, 2004 Jan 2, 2004 Jan 8, 2004 Jan 9, 2004 Jan 11, 2004 Jan 13, 2004 Jan 14, 2004 Jan 18, 2004 Jan 19, 2004 Jan 21, 2004 Jan 25, 2004 Jan 27, 2004 Jan 28, 2004 Jan 31, 2004 Feb 1, 2004 Feb 2, 2004 Feb 3, 2004 Feb 8, 2004 Feb 13, 2004 Feb 14, 2004 Feb 15, 2004 Feb 16, 2004 Feb 17, 2004 Feb 22, 2004 Feb 23, 2004 Feb 24, 2004 Feb 26, 2004 Feb 28, 2004 Mar 2, 2004 Mar 3, 2004 Mar 4, 2004 Mar 5, 2004 Mar 7, 2004 Mar 8, 2004 Mar 9, 2004 Mar 11, 2004 Mar 13, 2004 Mar 14, 2004 Mar 15, 2004 Mar 16, 2004 Mar 17, 2004 Mar 18, 2004 Mar 20, 2004 Mar 22, 2004 Mar 23, 2004 Mar 27, 2004 Mar 28, 2004 Mar 29, 2004 Mar 30, 2004 Mar 31, 2004 Apr 2, 2004 Apr 3, 2004 Apr 4, 2004 Apr 8, 2004 Apr 13, 2004 Apr 18, 2004 Apr 26, 2004 Apr 27, 2004 May 1, 2004 May 3, 2004 May 6, 2004 May 10, 2004 May 12, 2004 May 15, 2004 May 18, 2004 May 20, 2004 Jun 3, 2004 Jun 16, 2004 Jul 13, 2004 Jul 14, 2004 Jul 22, 2004 Jul 26, 2004 Jul 27, 2004 Jul 30, 2004 Aug 1, 2004 Aug 2, 2004 Aug 3, 2004 Aug 4, 2004 Aug 6, 2004 Aug 8, 2004 Aug 10, 2004 Aug 11, 2004 Aug 13, 2004 Aug 14, 2004 Aug 17, 2004 Aug 20, 2004 Aug 23, 2004 Aug 30, 2004 Aug 31, 2004 Sep 7, 2004 Sep 14, 2004 Sep 23, 2004 Sep 25, 2004 Oct 7, 2004 Oct 10, 2004 Oct 18, 2004 Oct 24, 2004 Oct 26, 2004 Oct 28, 2004 Nov 3, 2004 Nov 17, 2004 Nov 18, 2004 Nov 25, 2004 Dec 2, 2004 Dec 11, 2004 Dec 16, 2004 Dec 17, 2004 Dec 20, 2004 Dec 21, 2004 Dec 24, 2004 Jan 10, 2005 Feb 11, 2005 Feb 24, 2005 Mar 19, 2005 Apr 1, 2005 Apr 10, 2005 Apr 20, 2005 May 12, 2005 May 17, 2005 May 26, 2005 Jun 8, 2005 Jun 15, 2005 Jun 16, 2005 Jun 20, 2005 Jun 27, 2005 Jul 7, 2005 Jul 11, 2005 Jul 21, 2005 Aug 1, 2005


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Now That I'm Forty...

Weblog Commenting by Listed on Blogwise
Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Will My Official Guide To Bizzaro World Please Stand Up?
Because I'd like a refund. Or that is, I think I know why God doesn't shower us with constant miracles--because the repetition of something amazing becomes suspect. We, the Cynical, (and you know who you are), begin to wag our heads and roll our eyes and we say, "Oh, give me a break. It's getting ridiculous now."

I say this because I don't want to dive headfirst into the last 12-15 hours of my life as a Sign From Above. I used Signs for my last relationship and it didn't last. I'm not ready to discount Signs as just fancy, dressed up coincidences, because I love the idea that (sing it Bette) "God Is Watching Us". I just don't know what to make of this.

Okay, now I'll tell you what happened today. I parked my car in NJ yesterday afternoon because the weather would transform all drivers into drooling morons, including me. So I took the train in from work yesterday and this morning accordingly, I was destined for the subway to get back to NJ. Well, given that I'm fully infected with Short-Timers Syndrome, I left this morning when I was Dang Good And Ready, and in doing so I met this girl from the second floor also leaving at the same time. I didn't really meet her, I just wound up going down the last flight of stairs behind her. Then we came upon a suspicious looking brown lump on the next to last stair. She addressed it aloud, thereby making conversation. Okay, now, here's the deal--she's another of these cool, brave, or oblivious white girls in this neighborhood. The total rises to three, now, I think. There's the one in the neighboring building, whom I thought at one time might have been a lesbian, but I now know to be a wackjob with two uncontrollable dogs and a temper scraped from under the left testicle of Satan. Her I hate. Then there's Cool Jazz Girl, of whom I love. And now there's Exotic Name Girl. Oh, I'm getting ahead of myself.

Anyway, we speak a little more on the way out to the front door--I am bringing the bag of the old tenant's mail down that I've collected since I moved in because it keeps arriving along with mine, and I'm soliciting tips from her on how to flag the mailman's attention, knowing full well how to do it having once been a Postal Employee, and also having done so for my blind client after his downstairs neighbors packed up and went to parts unknown. But I wanted to talk to the girl, so I 'faked' conversation. Now, tell me, is every girl bright, energetic, with good senses of humor these days? Well, I think Cool Jazz Girl was kind of shy. But not this new one. Her hair is curly and about the color of ginger ale. She has a full, sparkling set of teeth. She looks you right in the eye when speaking to you. She went toward the A-train stop, and I went toward the #3 train (where I met the leprechaun on the way to Penn Station, see previous post).

Right. Now. I left work early today because, of the ST Syndrome coursing in the veins, and I usually meet with my buddies on Wednesday nights for gaming, but it was called off. So I have nothing specific to do. So I went, bought me some comics (the new ones came out today), then decided to gravitate back toward my favorite neighborhoods, giving no credence to my racial guilt. I got off at 96th St and Broadway. I peeked into the Lemongrass Grill restaurant and decided to be adventurous. I went in, sat down, and ordered Duck Salad. It was like "WHOA!" I'm reading my comicbook (They killed Phoenix again. Yawn.) I look up. I tell my eyes to stop lying to me. Then I look again. I'm not believing it. Now I have a choice. Do I say nothing, as usual, and let life slide quietly by me? Or do I speak?

I spoke.

I said, "Um, excuse me?"

Waiting for her take-out food is the girl I met in my hallway this morning.

Now, you want to tell me what the heck is THAT all about????????????????

How is THAT girl--the ONE neighbor I decided to make conversation with this morning--how is SHE in the same restaurant at the same time as me, 12 hours, three avenues, and fifty blocks away?!?!?!

Who's hands am I in???? And what are they doing??????

Well, who knows what she was thinking?? But she looked as amazed to see me. She recited our address as confirmation that I was the same guy she saw this morning, and I was all staggers and stammers, and she tells me what floor she lives on, and she tells me her name, and so I now can refer to her as Exotic Name Girl, and I tell her mine and what floor I'm on, and we shake hands and she mentions how much noise is up here where I live (music and the like) and I complain about Psycho Girl Whom I Hate who throws her trash directly out of her window into the airspace, instead of trashbagging anything (with her one dog that barks all all all all night long). Then her food comes, and she leaves and I hope she's shaking her head like I'm shaking mine because this is a city with eight million people in it, okay--and that's on the island on Manhattan alone. This is the kind of stuff you see on Friends (R.I.P.), or That Girl, or Caroline in The City. It can't really happen! The odds alone would tilt the planet.

But it did.

So what should I do?

Me at 3/17/2004 10:53:00 PM

Even Shorter Time's Syndrome

I'm in the grip! I must try to escape! Must...


Hey, today on the #3 subway, I'm extremely sure that I saw a leprechaun. He was a short white guy wearing a plaid coat with a hood (it reached his calves). It was a woman's coat, I'm sure, but it had green in it. He seemed oblivious that he was wearing a woman's coat. Almost as if he found it somewhere. Also he had a kelly green sweater on. But really struck me was that 1) He got on at 135th St. He could have been just discharged from Harlem Hospital, as though his rainbow ended in Harlem and he had gotten discharged from the psychiatric unit. 2)He seemed to be staring at everything and everyone like it was the first time he'd ever seen us. And not us, black people, but us, 21st Centurians. Open-faced, slack-jawed, wide-eyed.

Very cool.

Other things have been happening on the train which I've neglected to mention that I need to start again. New York City continues to love up on me like a cold, hungry cat.

Okay, back to work for me!

Me at 3/17/2004 01:31:00 PM